News ed Eventi
XXV International Congress of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics
09 - 12 SEPTEMBER, 2019, ROME Italy
AIDAA 2019 XXV International Congress, organized by Section of Rome, will be held from Monday
through Thursday, September 9-12, 2019 at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of Sapienza
Università di Roma, via Eudossiana 18, Rome.
All of the Congress attendees are requested to check in at the Registration Desk.
Registration begins at 16.00 on Sunday, September 8 at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering.
The time allocated for each presentation is 20 minutes including questions and discussion. All lecture
rooms are equipped with a computer.
A wireless network is available at the Congress. Each attendee will receive a personal user ID and
password, with the instructions for wi-fi connection.
The location of the coffee break is the Cloister of the Faculty. Coffee breaks are available all day long
as well as relax areas.
Lunch are included in the Congress registration fee and will be served in the Cloister.
Monday September 9, in the late afternoon from 18.00 to 20.00, all the Congress Delegates are
invited to the Sala della Protomoteca in Campidoglio, where the Mayor of Rome will greet all Delegates.
To reach the Campidoglio from the Faculty of Engineering, will be an opportunity for a 30
minutes walk inside the iconic historical landmarks of Rome, the Colosseo, the Fori Imperiali and
the Trajan Column.
The Social Dinner will be held on Wednesday, September 11 in the luxury location of Brancaccio
Palace, Viale del Monte di Colle Oppio, 7. The location is within walking distance, 5 minutes, of the
Faculty of Engineering.
On Friday, September 13, AIDAA and Italian Air Force will organize a Special free visit to the Italian
Air Force Historical Museum at Vigna di Valle. To get on the free of charge conference bus, kindly
offered by Aeronautica Militare, registration is needed.Limited seats are available. Contact secretariat:
For attendees’ convenience, some Taxi services are listed here: Cooperativa Radio Taxi (0039.06.3570),
Pronto Taxi (0039.06.6645), Samarcanda (0039.06.5551), Taxi Tevere (0039.06.4994).